Differences Between FasterEFT and Eutaptics
Eutaptics Training is unlike any other in the world. Before our FasterEFT Practitioners are intensely trained, they themselves have to prove this system works for themselves. It’s not just about reading a bunch of documents and fulfilling the requirements – it’s about witnessing real time change in their own lives before helping others. Eutaptics certification can’t be purchased; it’s got to be earned.
Every Eutaptics Practitioner has not only achieved outstanding results in his or her own life, but has an unrivaled commitment to FasterEFT with more hours and hours of practice, learning and training. Our rigorous training and selection process is part of what sets our practitioners apart from others.
If you’re thinking about becoming certified in Eutaptics then you’ll not only become a life coach, but a trusted friend who delivers results and not just promises. That’s what Eutaptics is all about.
Alan: Hello! My name is Alan Combies and I have the pleasure of interviewing Robert Smith and Heather McKean. We are going to be talking about some of the changes in FasterEFT over the last few years. We will be discussing the differences between FasterEFT and Eutaptics and also announce some exciting new developments we have been working on. If you are currently a FasterEFT practitioner, or if you are dreaming of becoming one someday….You won’t want to miss this!
Differences Between FasterEFT and Eutaptics
Alan: Robert, FasterEFT has gone through some changes over the last few years. Before we get into all the details, what was the main reason that you decided to make any changes at all?
Robert: FasterEFT has always been changing. I continue to learn and grow. This is a great system, but it’s time to make it even better. More of the world needs what we have to offer. To make this happen, we need to elevate the standards to meet and even surpass the training and requirements that similar fields require.
Heather: Over the last few years, we recognized the need for standardization and accountability in our practitioner trainings. For those people wanting to work with clients, more training was required. Like most skilled professions in the world (healthcare and mental health being no exception), there are new understandings, innovations and practices being developed every day. Professionals in their field are expected to keep up to date with the latest information, trainings and materials.
FasterEFT is a fantastic system. For the training of our practitioners, we are moving forward with a newer and better system and calling it Eutaptics. Our goal is to provide an online learning community and support structure for these new practitioners. The level of training has been raised, the requirements more rigorous and the skill second to none!
Alan: So aren’t FasterEFT and Eutaptics the same thing really?
Heather: The quick answer is NO. FasterEFT has been in transition for the last couple of years. One change was to transition from “Track A” and “Track B” FEFT trainings to one practitioner training….Eutaptics. We have been moving this direction for a few years, though the official move was made 8 months when we stopped selling the Ultimate Training Kit for certification purposes.
Eutaptics is the new brand for Practitioner Certification with FasterEFT. The only way to receive a Eutaptics certification will be to attend the new trainings and/or update former FEFT requirements (depending on Track A or B certifications). Among other things, the Eutaptics mission is to be recognized as a top healing modality and recommended by the medical community similar to hypnosis, massage, or acupuncture. We are currently in the process of getting our Continuing Education Certification, so that Eutaptics training will be accepted as continuing education credits for doctors, psychotherapists and other trauma professionals.
So basically, Eutaptics is the brand name for our Practitioner Training and FasterEFT is referring to the modality that is used by these practitioners. FEFT is also something that people can learn and work on themselves. (pause and repeat)
Alan: Eutaptics is the brand name for our Practitioner Training and FasterEFT is referring to the modality that is used by these practitioners. FEFT is also something that people can learn and do on themselves. So there is no longer a “Track A” or “Track B” training?
***Robert: Right. Going forward, anyone who wants to be a practitioner will be learning under the Eutaptics system. With the exception of being able to take Level 1 online, all trainings are done live. We really see the value of the “hands on” training and the opportunity to ask questions and practice the techniques and concepts in a live, real-time environment.
Alan: So, is it basically the same training….just with a different name?
Heather: One of the biggest changes in the trainings is in the first Level of training. When I came through the trainings 5 years ago, we left Level 1 thinking we were trained practitioners! Frankly, that first week of training was a bit of a blur to me. I was so, “in my stuff” that a lot of the very basic and foundational material was missed. Not to mention, any skill or focus for working on myself. What we identified as one of the biggest needs in the new training system was training on how to effectively work on ourselves. The most effective practitioners are those that know how to transform and work on themselves first. The health and wellbeing of our practitioners is very important to us. So the new Level 1, which can be taken online or through the live training, is really focused on learning the FasterEFT mindset and the foundations of the system, with a focus on “self work”.
For anyone who received FEFT training in the 10 years prior to 2017, the “self work” component is a valuable skill to learn and know. I can say personally, as someone trained in FasterEFT through Level IV and owning the Ultimate Training Kit, I find the new material VERY valuable. We have had many FEFT Level IV and even our Master Practitioners attend the new trainings and give us incredible feedback on the new trainings.
So to answer your question…NO. Eutaptics is NOT just the former FEFT training, stretched out into 4 trainings. There are many new insights, techniques and tools to help practitioners get to the root of the programs and patterns that hold so many back. The training is more comprehensive than before. ******(go back and listen). We want to make sure these practitioners are given a chance to upgrade their tool kit.
Robert: First off I want to say “Thank You” to you Alan, and all the other FEFT practitioners who have spent time, money and years working hard at their craft. Your support, feedback and encouragement has helped FasterEFT and me, get where we are today. We highly value the effort you have put in and respect your skills. When I first started training others to use FasterEFT, I was still learning a lot about myself, the mind and how to pass this along to others. The Ultimate Training Kit was really the first comprehensive collection of what I was teaching at the time. It was a really amazing tool. We started certifying practitioners through this home study course. As my live training increased and evolved, I began to add it the new things I was learning. New techniques, deeper understandings and ways of doing sessions. Eventually we broke the trainings into two Tracks. Track A – the live trainings and Track B – the at-home study course. The more time that went by, the more these two trainings diverged.
Because of the ever-changing, ever-evolving nature of what we are learning about the mind, FasterEFT has continued to evolve.
We never really had anything in place to offer formal continuing education. It was always recommended that people who wanted to continue growing as practitioners would “re-take” the trainings, but not everyone did.
As part of the Level IV requirements, practitioners were asked to submit a video of a client session. Over the years, I realized that many of these people were not doing sessions using the FasterEFT system the way I was teaching it. What they were using “looked” like a FEFT session, but the mindset was missing. Though practitioners were getting results, most of the time, they weren’t as effective as they could be. I started to realize that we needed to standardize the trainings and make sure that any Level IV practitioner that a client might go to, would be doing the same basic session.
This, along with other things, led to the development of the “Steering Committee” or “Training Committee”. This is a group of highly skilled and dedicated practitioners who meet every week to reevaluate the trainings and the systems. It was really this team of people that helped bring about the changes and improvements in the current training system. I really appreciate all of the people who have dedicated their time and energy in this committee to help me and FasterEFT.
Heather: We have also created an Ethics/Advisory Committee and implemented a Skills to Change Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. This is an important piece to ensure the safety and ethical responsibility of practitioner and client alike. We have really taken this to the next level.
With Eutaptics, we want to make sure we support the growth and development of our practitioners. We currently have a very large and successful Level 1 Mentoring Program that provides direct access to Upper Level Practitioners to help answer questions, practice and fine tune techniques and get the latest tools and information that we have. They host live calls every 2-3 weeks and cover Level 1 topics. This offers people the opportunity to ask questions, get mentoring and to meet the hundreds of other Level 1 students around the world. It’s a great program.
We also have a Level 2/3 Mentoring program that is really helping our practitioners transition from “self work” to working on clients. This is such an important distinction and we have some wonderful and skilled Upper Level Practitioners hosting this group as well.
Our plan is to have a Mentoring program through each level of training. All of these Upper Level Practitioners are skilled in the Eutaptics methods and provide incredible support and feedback to our practitioners-in-training.
Alan: I am a Level 4 FasterEFT practitioner. How will I be affected by these changes?
Heather: Well, that really depends on what you want. Our goal is that Eutaptics will be registered and recognized by the medical community similar to hypnosis, massage, or acupuncture. We are currently in the process of getting our Continuing Education Certification, so that we will be recognized as continuing education credits for doctors, psychotherapists and other trauma professionals.
Alan: This sounds great! So currently, I have my FasterEFT certifications. Does that mean I am automatically a Eutaptics practitioner?
Heather: No. Again, FasterEFT and Eutaptics are not the same thing. FasterEFT is the modality, Eutaptics is the professional training system. For those people interested in receiving their Eutaptics certifications, we have a Transition Plan for these individuals.
Alan: This all sound really great. But let’s say, I have my FEFT certifications and don’t really have any interest in upgrading to Eutaptics. What do I do?
Robert: You don’t have to do anything. You have learned one of the best methods of change out there. No matter if you paid full price for each training or purchased the Ultimate Training Kit, you still have received an incredible amount of information that you can continue to use to make changes in yourself and others.
Heather: Even in the previous system, training FasterEFT, only Level IV practitioners and above were considered fully trained and approved by Robert Smith to work with clientele. And the expectation was always that these individuals and certificates would continue to be “updated” and “re-endorsed”. I know that each of my certificates has an expiration date on it and I knew that I would be expected to attend future trainings and events to ensure that my certifications remained valid.
As an example….(Fair warning: anyone that is under the age of 30 is probably going to be lost on this one)….let’s say that in 1989, you went to be trained and get your certification to be a typist. You would have sat down in front of a typewriter for a determined amount of time in various classes until you received your certification, even to the highest level. If you still wanted to be using this certification in 1993, just 4 years later, you would be grossly outdated. You would need to now, go and take a Word Processing course and receive that certification. Now is your previous training worthless? Not at all. My guess is that you will be far more capable with the basics and will likely spend less time and energy receiving your Word Processing certification. As most of us know, if you decide to stay in this particular field, you will need to continue to upgrade your knowledge and skill to stay current with the new needs of technology.
So the question really is, what is your end goal? Do you want to be a master of your craft? Is it important for you to let your clients know that you have the most updated tools to help them change? Is this your chosen field or career? You can still be a typist but you will likely need to update your skills in this evolving field.
That being said, I think we have made it quite clear that we are doing everything we can to support our FEFT practitioners and make it possible, if not easy, to upgrade their learning.
I’ll use another example, just as a reference point: Let’s take nurses
Here in the U.S. nurses are required to renew their license every 2-3 years. Now keep in mind, this is AFTER spending years in school as spending upwards of $20-$30 thousand dollars for the basic degree. It differs by state, but this license renew involves 30-50 additional training hours in their current field of practice (which they pay for often) including the relevant fees. That is just to stay current with their current license. But many nurses realize that they require more training and various certifications to be considered for jobs or promotions. This additional training requires more time and money for these individuals, but many are happy to do it because they know that in the ever-changing field of medicine and when you are caring for people, it pays to have the most knowledge and tools available.
If people want to simply keep their current FEFT certifications, they are free to do so. I think anyone that really knows FEFT or uses it knows that their time and money was well spent.
Because we are moving forward and we have many health professionals (doctors, psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, professors, scientists, etc.) coming to our trainings to learn more about the way the mind and body work together and receive continuing education credits, we will be required to uphold certain standards and requirements to be able to legally provide this. That system is Eutaptics.
Robert: It is also our intention to promote our highly trained practitioners and support their practices as well. As the system becomes more standardized and regulated, we can have the confidence that our practitioners are using FasterEFT in a responsible and ethical manner. We also really want to empower our practitioners to go out and do workshops and plan to provide additional training for this. And one of our biggest developments on the horizon is our intention to train Eutaptics Trainers. To this point, I am the only trainer of FasterEFT. Eutaptics is growing at a rapid pace and to meet the demand for training, we have developed a Train the Trainer Team that is now working on the framework and curriculum for this next step. Imagine, Skills to Change Institute branches all over the world, where people can come and learn to improve themselves and others. What if more people around the world were given the opportunity to take their health, mind and body into their own capable hands? That is the vision, and we are one step closer to that with Eutaptics.
Alan: This is very inspiring. I want it! Where do I start?
Heather: 2018 is a great time to be involved and get upgraded. We have a full training schedule this year that is all over the globe. We have topical seminars planned, some of which are not even on the website yet, and practitioner trainings all throughout the year. Take advantage of the amazing opportunity to get upgraded to Eutaptics for these low prices.
Robert: Along with our upgraded trainings, we are currently working on developing a website that can support this new direction and focus. We have a new online learning system that will make the process even easier. Our new system is designed to be user friendly and to help move people through the trainings and requirement submission process with ease. We will have webinars, tutorials, mentoring groups and course instructors to help you through each step of the process. We hope to launch this all within the next 3-6 months and have it fully functional. It’s an exciting time to be involved.
Alan: I know throughout the FasterEFT community; people are going to be very excited about all of this. As they begin the transition process, where do they go if they have questions or need help figuring out the next step?
Heather: Well, we really hope that this video will provide the answers to many of their questions. So first, I would say watch the video and look at the Transition Document and transcript provided. We will also have a Frequently Asked Questions page to go to on the current website that should provide additional answers. Beyond that, you can always email us at training@fastereft.com to get any specific questions answered or to see where you fit into the transition. Again, we want to support our current practitioners through this process. One thing I would caution, please turn to us for your answers. When in doubt, just ask. We have a special department that has the latest and most accurate information and that is the best place to turn for answers.
Robert: Also, please keep in mind that we are all in this together. This is new territory for all of us and we will all need to be patient and gracious with each other in the process. For those of you who have been with me over the last 10 years, thank you. You have truly helped lay the foundation for us to build something even better on. For those of you who are going to continue on this journey, or who are new to the system…..thank you. I need you all to help take this to the next level. Our mission for FasterEFT and Eutaptics is to be the number 1 healing system in the world. I would love to have you join me in making that a reality.
Alan: Well, I know that I can say that I am excited about where we are going. (SHARE PERSONAL VISION AND EXPERIENCE WITH NEW TRAINING)
Robert, Heather, thank you for taking the time to walk us all through the changes and developments. Any last thoughts?
Heather: I am so grateful for this system. My life has completely changed. I am really proud to be a part of something that is continuing to grow and to be surrounded by people who want to change the world. I was first a client, then a FEFT practitioner and now on the team that has created Eutaptics. It has been an incredible journey, and I’m really excited to be a part of the next step. The world is about to know who we are and what we do. It’s going to be huge. Thank you all and thank you Robert for helping make it happen.
Robert: Thank you to each one of you that have helped me grow and change and make FasterEFT what it is today. We are moving forward in an exciting way. Come and join us!
Practitioner Track Bundle (Complete): Ll/L2/L3/L4 eutaptics® Training (B-L1234)
End of Differences Between FasterEFT and Eutaptics