Faster EFT Let It Go
How to Faster EFT Let It Go
“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on” – Eckhart Tolle
How to Let it Go
Learn how to take control of your life by using the power of your mind to manifest and produce what you desire. FasterEFT is a thinking process that educates and empowers individuals. It also teaches you how to shift perceptions, which results in the ability to heal your body, improve relationships and make peace with your past memories.
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Discover why you keep repeating the same relationship patterns in your life and the importance of changing all the bad memories in your life. Discover how bad experiences keep repeating themselves.
Faster EFT Let It Go
Faster Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is the skill that enables you to affect the Law of Attraction, The Secret. The truth is revealed by using the EFT tapping, which is 100% naturally effective. It is the easiest, fastest way to lose weight by reaching your ideal body weight with your mind. Learn why it’s so hard to give it up! The odds are stacked against you if you have limiting beliefs and mental programs installed from your life experiences. Learn the truth and gain freedom by letting go.
FasterEFT Let It Go, Ten Things to let go of.
Tap along with Video below and Pause video if you need to.
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Why you want to revisit your past Memories, Let Go and stop the patterns – LOA Faster EFT Robert Smith
Click Here to Visit Robert G Smith’s Official Website.
Faster EFT Let It Go The “Tapping Protocol”
1. Select the problem that you would like to address with FasterEFT
Most of our current emotional problems are due to painful experiences we had growing up. Therefore, the most effective way to really heal current problems in your life is to apply FasterEFT to the painful memories that are the source of those problems. First, assess on a Zero to 10 scale how painful the memory is or how intense the sensation or feeling is, where Zero is no pain at all and 10 is the maximum distress you can imagine. Now start working on it.
Here’s how you do that:
Think of your distressing memory. It is important to stay focused on the sensation or feeling while going through all of the points. Now, step into it as if you are there again. Notice in your body where you sense it. Maybe a tight chest, headache, neck pain, etc. Or, maybe it’s a emotion such as anger, guilt, sadness, etc. Notice what you are experiencing and then start tapping “Between the Eyes” and say:
“This sensation in my chest (or wherever it is), I release and let go.”
“This feeling of anger (or whatever it is), I release and let go.”
Now say the following once as you go through the remaining 4 points:
“It’s safe to let go, It’s OK to let it go.”
Going through all 5 points is one pass. You can do as many passes as you feel necessary. It could be 1 or 10 times.
2. Re-assess the distress level
It is not important that this number be very accurate. It will only be used to generally track your progress, so don’t worry about being exact. If the tapping is working, your distress level should come down around 1 – 3 points per pass. It may come down even more. Let’s say it is now a 7 intensity. Go through the points again this time saying:
“This remaining sensation/feeling, I safely release and let go.”
3. Keep performing FasterEFT passes
Keep repeating the passes until the memory has no more “charge” on it. You keep applying FasterEFT to your painful memory until the distress level, including all of the associated emotions, goes down to Zero. At this point, that memory will be completely healed. However, if your distress level isn’t coming down at all, then simply switch to another memory. The mind likes to heal in a certain order and maybe something more important needs to be addressed first. Also, maybe you may need to use a more advanced level of FasterEFT that only a practitioner can give.
The 5 FasterEFT Tapping Points
When tapping on the points,use two fingers on each one.
1. Between Eyes – located between the eyebrows
2. Side of Eye – the outer edge of the eye socket on the bone
3. Under Eye – below the eye on the bone of the eye socket
4. Collar Bone – The collar bone points are located just below the “knobs” at the end of each collar bone. Use a flat fist just below your neck, where a man would knot his tie, to get one or both of the collar bone points.
5. Squeeze Wrist – Notice the crease between your wrist and your hand. Take your opposite hand and repeatedly squeeze on the inside and outside of your wrist.
Note: For the points that are located on both sides of your body, it does not matter which side you use. It’s also okay to switch sides while tapping or use both sides simultaneously. It will work any way that you do it. FasterEFT is very forgiving that way.
The tapping on each point should be rapid little “thunks.” I say little thunks because you should tap hard enough to feel some percussion during each tap, but not hard enough that you will begin to feel tender after a lot of tapping. You only need to tap each point around 4 to 6 times, though more is not a problem. Also, squeeze the wrist 4 to 6 times. You won’t need to count taps or squeezes because you will be saying a phrase at each point and that will be enough time to get them all in.
Skills / Ken
Skill to Transform LLC
Let Go Why Tapping works & How to tap to Get Results NLP EFT
“It’s safe to let go, It’s OK to let it go.”
Faster EFT Let It Go Let It Go
Bob Newhart-Stop It!
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Faster EFT Let It Go
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