Practitioner Track Bundle Complete Ll/L2/L3/L4 eutaptics Training
Practitioner Track Bundle Complete Ll/L2/L3/L4 eutaptics Training
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30% off for all FasterEFT/Eutaptics products in April 1-15, 2024
LEVEL 1 Hybrid Live/Online – TBD
LEVEL 2 Hybrid Live/Online – TBD
LEVEL 3 Hybrid Live/Online – TBD
LEVEL 4 Hybrid Live/Online – TBD
Practitioner Track Bundle Complete Ll/L2/L3/L4 eutaptics Training. Are you ready to become the best eutaptics® practitioner you can be? Become a Certified Advanced eutaptics® Practitioner at an incredible price!
What you will receive:
- You Can Change Yourself Master Training Online (eutaptics® Level 1) $1697 (Online or Hybrid Live/Online)
- eutaptics® Fundamentals of a Powerful Session (Level 2) Training regularly $2497 (Online or Hybrid Live/Online)
- eutaptics® The Power Tools of the Mind (Level 3) Training regularly $2497 (Online or Hybrid Live/Online)
- eutaptics® Conquering the Big Stuff (Level 4) Training regularly $2497 (Online or Hybrid Live/Online)
This Practitioner Track Bundle Complete Ll/L2/L3/L4 eutaptics Training saves you $1,000 and helps you launch a new career path helping others.
You will receive a eutaptics® manual (upon submitting a request form in the beginning of your course) which includes the foundational FasterEFT™ belief system, the understandings and techniques that you will learn in the course.
You will also receive a corresponding Mentorship Course for each level. This is not a part of your course requirements, just an added bonus, where you can attend monthly live scheduled mentoring calls, and watch recordings of past live calls.
Know before you start:
If you intend on becoming a Practitioner, know that you must be fully Certified at Level 3 to work with paying clients. Part of the requirements in every level of training is to have at least 10 hours of paid sessions with advanced eutaptics® Practitioners.
This is an additional cost paid directly to the practitioners you work with; prices vary with practitioners, but the average cost is $200 per 2-hour session. In addition, two of the testing requirements have an associated $75 fee which is also paid directly to the practitioner who does your live evaluation/assessment. In Level 4, there is a $300 Video Submission Review Fee paid to STCI.
Use Discount code “CarlFell10” (remove the quotes)
Practitioner Bundle Complete Ll/L2/L3/L4 eutaptics Training
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