Robert Smith Changing Lives FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma
What I Wasn’t Expecting from the FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma
Odille Rault
From the first couple of videos I watched on YouTube of Robert Smith explaining how the mind works, and the amazing transformations people have experienced using the FasterEFT technique, I had wanted to attend a live FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma. I loved the idea of connecting with others and learning in a live situation rather than through videos.
That was in September 2014. At that time, I had no idea how I would ever get to a seminar since my biggest challenge was finances and I was struggling to pay my bills – there was certainly no sign of a lump sum to pay for a seven-day seminar, flights, hotel and other expenses.
I watched the FasterEFT videos on YouTube every day – as many as I could each day.
I watched the same videos several times so that I could fully comprehend and absorb the information. I started using the technique on myself and did two full sessions that produced incredible results. In addition to using it personally
I started to incorporate it into the courses I teach on emotional state management, and began to include it my private empowerment coaching sessions. I saw my private clients and those who attended my courses achieve incredible results using the combination of FasterEFT and what I was already teaching.
In the first week of January I decided to use the FasterEFT technique to change the beliefs that were resulting in my challenges with money so that I could afford to attend a seminar. I had set my sights on the Level One training in Malaga, Spain in March since it was the closest venue to where I live in the UK. I made a “zero tolerance” decision – I made the decision to become hyper-aware of any thought or feeling that came up throughout the day that bothered me, and would tap on it immediately, in the moment, regardless of what it was or how small it seemed.
This led to a significant change in the way I think, my perspective and my approach to finances. Within a week, I had a plan to get to Malaga. Within a few days of that, instead of being able to attend the training in Spain in March, I was earning enough to make it to the Level One training FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma City in February! Something I would never have imagined! And now, here I am, in OKC, having completed the training yesterday – and having had experiences I wasn’t expecting.
What I Was Expecting
I was expecting a live seminar to be valuable and enriching. I was expecting to learn more than I already knew about how the mind works and how to use the FasterEFT technique more effectively. I was expecting to see some minor transformations in others, and possibly meet a few interesting people. I also expected to find the long days tiring and taxing.
What I Got that I Was Not Expecting
I got more than I was bargaining for – much more – and here’s a brief overview of some of the unexpected “side effects” I experienced.
The Information
The structure of the course, the manual, and the way Robert Smith explains the information is a level up from what I had seen in the YouTube videos – and included a powerful dose of humour! I had expected to learn a lot, but I hadn’t expected to laugh so much. The days flew by, and I felt not only enlightened but also entertained! I wasn’t expecting that.
The People
I was expecting to meet a few nice, interesting people. What I wasn’t expecting was the truly amazing, loving, inspiring and incredible people that filled the seminar. Established practitioners, along with people I had seen transform in those YouTube videos – who now, two, three and four years later are still living free from the challenges that brought them to FEFT. People who are not only wonderful examples of real and lasting transformation, but who are also incredibly kind, loving and fun! I wasn’t expecting that.
Robert Smith
In order to save the cost of the hotel (which would have made it too expensive for me to attend the seminar) Robert invited me to stay in his house (even though he had never met me), along with 8 other people who were attending the FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma – a mix of practitioners and “newbies” like me.
It was a wonderful opportunity to spend time with some very special people. Robert struck me as sincere, genuine and reserved, with a fun sense of humour; and he was authentically generous with his home, making each one of us feel welcome and comfortable.
The Transformations
I saw the most remarkable transformations in those I was spending time with – a variety of physical healing, life-changing emotional rejuvenation, and recoveries from extreme trauma and suffering to joy and a sense of freedom. Beautiful examples of what can be achieved when the process is used correctly and with persistence. I wasn’t expecting that.
Practitioner Sessions
Experienced advanced practitioners were available to give single and “cross-fire” sessions (sessions with more than one practitioner working on one person at a time).
My Own Transformations
Heather McKean
I had my very first cross-fire session with Heather McKean and Tiffany Jeffers on Tuesday night, and it was incredible – both Heather and Tiffany are the most remarkable, caring, fun and empowering people. The session with them was deep and powerful but also a lot of fun – I never knew that changing core beliefs could be such an invigorating and entertaining experience!
Tiffany Jeffers
After the session I noticed significant changes not only to the stuff we had addressed, but also to aspects of myself I hadn’t connected with that “stuff”. From then on I experienced several “aha” moments and noticed the differences in the ways I automatically responded to certain situations. I have another cross-fire session booked with Tiffany and Heather this afternoon, and I’m really looking forward to it!
In under two months I have gone from struggling to pay my bills to travelling across the world to Oklahoma City (via Vegas to spend time with family I hadn’t seen since 2009), not only attending the FasterEFT Transformation Weekend and Level One Training but also benefiting immensely from two cross-fire sessions with two remarkable examples of FasterEFT success stories. I certainly wasn’t expecting that.
Something Missing
After the FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma transformational weekend, the first couple of days of the Level One Training, and the first cross-fire session, there’s something missing from this experience in Oklahoma. Something that would usually be with me – that has been with me throughout all other adventures away from home – a constant awareness of not being able to afford to eat out, not being able to afford the “extras” like private sessions and merchandise, a worry about what to do if I find I need a taxi or some other unexpected expense crops up. For the first time, I am able to fully take part in whatever comes up – without that background limiting fear. I wasn’t expecting that.
What I expected from this experience was to learn more about the FasterEFT process, and to spend some time with interesting people. What I got was so much more than that. I’ll be leaving Oklahoma tomorrow with more freedom, more joy and more clarity than I could ever have predicted. I didn’t expect that.
I highly recommend attending a live FasterEFT Transformational Weekend or seminar whenever you have the opportunity! I’m certainly going to be back!
Love and Light and Magic
Odille Rault
For more information on how FasterEFT works visit: The FasterEFT Belief System.
For more guidance on using the technique effectively visit: Tips on Using FasterEFT.
To watch videos of FasterEFT visit the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.
What is FasterEFT?
Introduction to Faster EFT
FasterEFT – Changing Lives
End of FasterEFT Seminar Oklahoma
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